Safety and care

Issuing time:2023-01-04 11:40

Care Program in US

Parents considering sending their children to study in the United States value the country’s leading position in economic and technological development, and also firmly believe that studying in the U.S. is conducive to giving their children the best career preparation; in particular, American schools are superior to other

education systems in cultivating an atmosphere of innovation and critical thinking.


However, there are often three concerns expressed by parents who choose to send their students to study in the United States: many worries/concerns or misunderstandings arise from not knowing the United States and American school. Perhaps, you share some of these concerns:


1. Can my child’s safety be guaranteed?

A. The child is at risk of being shot in the United States.

B. Drug problems: whether the child will be lured into drug use, marijuana, heroin, methamphetamine.

C. Children are coerced into becoming spies for either party and resulting in legal risks due to competition between nations.

D. Potential safety hazards in the city where they will live: personal injury caused by robbery, assault, etc.


2. Can you maintain good mental health?

A. Risk of racial discrimination: Can children effectively protect themselves from racial discrimination at school?

B. School bullying risk: Will children encounter school bullying on American campuses?

C. Integration and self-reliance: Will you become westernized and lose your roots in Chinese culture? Will you not make friends and find it difficult to integrate

into the new culture?


3. Can there be a special contact for urgent issues to support the student in the U.S.?


4. What if my child does not call home often? How can I continue to understand the real situation with my child’s studies and overall life the United States?


5. What if my child is not used to American food?


6. China's environment is different compared to the United States. Is the education received in the United States practical for those returning to work in China? Can someone educated in the U.S. adjust back to China?


7. The risk of few network relationships in China: If the classmate relationships are primarily with American students, will there be a lack of a Chinese student



RA Education Group's Care in US program supports children to quickly integrate into American schools and a new culture. Projects in China and the United States



1. Research based on brain science and neurology to train students to improve their communication skills, increase their interview skills when applying to schools,

increase their adaptability to integrate into American campuses, prepare for a large number of interactive communication scenarios on campus and in the

community, and to prepare for job interviews and future leadership training.


2. Training will be provided to assist students to develop awareness for safety and self-protection in a foreign environment.


3. The regional director will conduct monthly visits and hold monthly parent and/or parent-teacher meetings to assist parents with assessing their children’s

adjustment to the U.S. and academic progress.


4. The regional supervisor organizes RAEG students in the local city to have a regular dinner gathering to promote connections between students in the city,

discuss cross-cultural issues, and to promote greater integration.


5.RAEG will organize a gathering of all students in the United States annually to expand the understanding and connection between RAEG students, and establish

and strengthen student networks. The annual event will include peers and educational/industry leaders to promote exposure and learning.


6. RAEG U.S. students will have the opportunity to return to China 1-2 times a year to promote interaction with peers, entrepreneurs, industry leaders and to develop a network in China. RAEG will facilitate these meetings to help

prepare students who eventually return to China to start their careers.

You are welcome to follow up and inquire about the details of Care in the US programs and services.
